Top 10 truyện tiếng anh luyện nghe cho người mới bắt đầu [Kèm Audio]

Tiếng Anh là 1 trong mỗi môn học tập nên, vô nằm trong cần thiết lúc này. Hầu không còn quý khách đều nắm rõ tầm quan trọng của giờ đồng hồ anh vô cuộc sống thường ngày, tiếp thu kiến thức và việc làm. Trong số đó, tài năng nghe hiểu là hết sức cần thiết, chung chúng ta có thể nâng lên trình độ chuyên môn giờ đồng hồ anh của tớ. Nếu ko tìm kiếm được cách thức học tập hiệu suất cao thì nên demo luyện nghe thường ngày với những câu truyện giờ đồng hồ anh công ty chúng tôi share tại đây.

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Bạn đang xem: Top 10 truyện tiếng anh luyện nghe cho người mới bắt đầu [Kèm Audio]

Vì sao nên luyện nghe giờ đồng hồ anh vị truyện giờ đồng hồ anh

Có nhiều cách thức không giống nhau nhằm luyện nghe giờ đồng hồ tuy nhiên rất đông người lựa chọn luyện nghe vị truyện ngắn ngủn giờ đồng hồ anh. Những điểm mạnh của cách thức này mang đến nên nói tới như:

  • Tăng vốn liếng kể từ vựng và hoàn mỹ ngữ pháp

Các mẩu chuyện giờ đồng hồ anh thông thường chỉ tồn tại một lượng kể từ tiên tiến nhất tấp tểnh nên người hiểu tiếp tục cảm nhận thấy tự do thoải mái khi nghe đến, hiểu. Quý khách hàng sẽ không còn cảm nhận thấy bị choáng ngợp, nhàm ngán vì thế rất nhiều kể từ mới mẻ hoặc ráo mát rộng lớn. Đồng thời, chúng ta cũng nhận ra sự không giống nhau trong những kể từ, cụm kể từ được sử dụng vô văn cảnh và ý nghĩa sâu sắc không giống nhau.

  • Học giờ đồng hồ anh với vận tốc của riêng biệt mình

Bạn hoàn toàn có thể nghe lại rất nhiều lần cho tới khi nghe đến hiểu nhưng mà ko cần thiết tùy theo những người dân không giống. Từ cơ chúng ta có thể tập luyện phân phát âm chuẩn chỉnh xác rộng lớn.

  • Tạo hào hứng khi tham gia học giờ đồng hồ anh

Học giờ đồng hồ anh trải qua việc nghe những mẩu chuyện đặc biệt thú vị, tạo ra sự nhộn nhịp, tách nhàm ngán khi tham gia học.

phương pháp luyện nghe giờ đồng hồ anh

Top 10 truyện giờ đồng hồ anh luyện nghe rất tốt

1. Thank you, Mom

I love my mom. She took care of má when I was very young. She took care of má when I was sick.

She taught má how đồ sộ read. She taught má how đồ sộ get dressed. She taught má how đồ sộ button my shirt. She taught má how đồ sộ tie my shoes. She taught má how đồ sộ brush my teeth.

She taught má đồ sộ be kind đồ sộ others. She taught má đồ sộ tell the truth. She taught má đồ sộ be polite. She took má đồ sộ school on my first day of school. She held my hand. She helped má with my homework. She was nice đồ sộ all my friends. She always cheered má up.

Next year I will graduate from high school. I will go đồ sộ college. I will bởi well in college. I will bởi well after college. My mom has taught má well.

2. Try đồ sộ sleep

Norma went đồ sộ bed. It was eleven o’clock. She turned out the light.

She lúc lắc in bed. It was dark. It was quiet. She couldn’t sleep. She closed her eyes. She tried đồ sộ sleep, but she couldn’t.

She turned the light back on. She opened her book. She started đồ sộ read her book. It was a good book. She read one page. Then she read another page.

After a while, she felt sleepy. She closed the book. She turned out the light. She closed her eyes. She went straight đồ sộ sleep.

phương pháp luyện nghe giờ đồng hồ anh2

3. Red, White and Blue

Tracy looked at the flag. The flag is red, white, and xanh xao. It has 50 white stars.

The white stars are on a xanh xao square. The flag has six white stripes. It has seven red stripes. All the stripes are horizontal. They are not vertical. The stripes bởi not go up and down. They go from left đồ sộ right.

Tracy loves her flag. It is the flag of her country. It is a pretty flag. No other flag has 50 stars. No other flag has 13 stripes.

4. Washing Her Hands

Fay went into the bathroom. She turned on the cold water. She turned on the hot water. Warm water came out of the faucet.

She put her hands under the warm water. She rubbed her hands together. She picked up a bar of white soap. She rubbed the soap with her hands. She put the soap back. She washed her hands for half a minute.

Then she rinsed her hands with the water. She turned off the hot water. She turned off the cold water. She dried her hands with a towel.

5. A Thin Man

Richard is a light eater. He doesn’t eat much. He isn’t a heavy eater. He eats a light breakfast, a light lunch, and a light dinner.

Richard is not fat. He is thin. He will always be thin, because he is a light eater.

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He eats a bowl of cereal for breakfast. He eats a bowl of cereal with milk. He eats a sandwich for lunch. Sometimes it’s a fish sandwich. He likes fish.

He eats rice and vegetables for dinner. All he eats for dinner is rice and vegetables. He will never get fat.

phương pháp luyện nghe giờ đồng hồ anh3

6. A Piece of Paper

Jimmy dropped a piece of paper on the floor. He bent over and picked it up. He folded the piece of paper in two. He put it on the table.

He picked up a pencil. He wrote a phone number on the piece of paper. He put the pencil on the table.

He picked up the scissors. He picked up the piece of paper. He cut the paper in half. He put one-half of the paper on the table. He put the other half with the phone number in his shirt pocket. He put the scissors on the table.

7. Buy A New Car

Linda wants đồ sộ buy a new xế hộp. She has an old xế hộp. Her old xế hộp is a white Honda.

Linda wants đồ sộ buy a new Honda. She wants đồ sộ buy a new red Honda. She has saved $1,000. She will use $1,000 đồ sộ help buy the new xế hộp. She will give $1,000 đồ sộ the Honda dealer.

The Honda dealer will give her a contract đồ sộ sign. The contract will require her đồ sộ pay $400 a month for seven years. Her new red Honda will cost Linda a lot of money. But that’s okay, because Linda makes a lot of money.

8. Water and An Apple

Susan likes đồ sộ eat apples. She likes đồ sộ eat big red apples.

She likes đồ sộ wear a xanh xao hat. She wears a big xanh xao hat on her head. She wears a hat and eats an táo.

She drinks some water from a white cup. Susan drinks water and eats apples.

She doesn’t cut the táo with a knife. A knife is sharp. She just eats the táo. She holds the táo in her hand. She bites into the táo with her teeth.

She licks her lips. She drinks more water. She wipes her mouth with her hand.

9. Cold Weather

Thomas was not hot. He was not warm either. He was cold.

The weather was not hot. The weather was not warm either. The weather was cold.

Thomas did not lượt thích đồ sộ be cold. He looked for his jacket. He found his jacket. He put on his jacket. But he was still cold.

He looked at the windows. Were all the windows closed? Yes, they were. They were all closed. None of the windows were open.

He looked at the door. The door wasn’t open. It was closed. He was still cold. He looked for a warmer jacket.

10. A Shot in the Arm

Lucy went đồ sộ the doctor. She didn’t feel good.


The doctor asked, “What’s the problem? What’s the matter?” She said she didn’t feel right. “Do you hurt? Where bởi you hurt?” the doctor asked. She said that she hurt all over. She hurt everywhere. She hurt all over her body toàn thân.

The doctor said, “You have a big problem. I will fix your problem.” The doctor gave Lucy a shot. He gave her a shot in her left arm. “Do you feel better now?” he asked her. “No,” she said, “now my left arm hurts a lot.”

Trên phía trên công ty chúng tôi đang được share cho tới chúng ta 10 truyện giờ đồng hồ anh hoặc và phổ cập nhất. Hy vọng các bạn sẽ luyện nghe và nâng lên trình độ chuyên môn giờ đồng hồ anh của tớ hiệu suất cao.


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Giấy phép số 170/GP-TTĐT cấp ngày 05/07/2018 do Cục Phát thanh, truyền hình và thông tin điện tử cấpChịu trách nhiệm: Giám đốc Tô Duy Nhất                  Địa chỉ : Số 550, Đường Trần Hưng Đạo, P. Phương Lâm, TP. Hòa BìnhĐiện thoại: 02183895128  -  Fax : 02183856163       Email: [email protected]
